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Introducing TBA’s Community Accountability Agreement

Theatre Bay Area Logo. Pink circle with a gradient of pink triangles inside pointing from the upper left corner to the lower right. Meant to simulate a stage light. On the right is the word Theatre in big rounded text with Bay Area written in a smaller blocky text below it.

Theatre Bay Area’s Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (EDI) Working Group, a team comprised of Board & staff, worked throughout 2022 to create the TBA Community Accountability Agreement. In January 2023, we are proud to introduce this document to our members and grantees. This agreement sets the groundwork for TBA’s active role facilitating EDI in our…

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FY2022 CA$H Theatre Accountability Report

Cash Grant Logo. A green circle with lower case white lettering that says tba. On the right are the words Cash Theatre where cash is spelled with $ instead of an S. Underneath that is the word Grant in smaller font.

To hold ourselves accountable in dismantling white supremacy culture and other biases in TBA, we are collecting demographic data on grant applicants and awardees. While there’s more work to do, we’re proud to say that 95.5% of CA$H Theatre Grants in our 2022 fiscal year went to BIPOC theatre-makers — view the full EDI Accountability report.

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TBA & Anti-Racism: Accountability and Action

Theatre Bay Area Logo. Pink circle with a gradient of pink triangles inside pointing from the upper left corner to the lower right. Meant to simulate a stage light. On the right is the word Theatre in big rounded text with Bay Area written in a smaller blocky text below it.

Theatre Bay Area acknowledges the social unrest and racial reckoning occurring throughout the country and the national arts field. We have heard the demands put forth by We See You White American Theatre and the BIPOC Living Doc Equity Action Plan. TBA recognizes the enormous labor taken to develop these tools, and we want to…

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