Company Membership Dues Changes Starting July 1, 2024

1. What is changing?
TBA is changing the renewal schedule for company members. Until now, TBA has used an anniversary system, where everyone renewed on their membership anniversary. Over the next year, all company membership will switch to a calendar system, where everyone renews on the same date, July 1.
This change is only for Company Members. Individual and associate members will continue to renew on an anniversary basis.
2. When is this change happening?
New members will see this change immediately on July 1, 2024.
Existing members will see this change on their next scheduled renewal date. Rather than renewing for the next 12 months, you will renew through June 2025, with the dues amount prorated (reduced) to reflect the shortened time.
All company members will then renew on July 1, 2025 (and each July 1 going forward).
3. Why is this happening?
Efficiency! We’ve found that our membership team spends a lot of time throughout the year on renewals and billing. By focusing this energy into one month, we’re able to free up that staff time throughout the year to plan more member events, improve our online member services, and major events like the Annual Conference and General Auditions.
This change also helps TBA with budgeting as all Company Memberships will now align with our fiscal year.
4. What does this mean for my budget?
If your renewal was already in July, the only change is that your renewal date will move to July 1 starting in 2025.
For everyone else: Your next dues invoice will come on the same date as expected, but it will be for a smaller amount than usual, reflecting the months remaining until July 2025. For example, if you usually renew in January, your dues will reflect only the next 6 months, or 50% of your usual dues.
As a reminder, Company Membership dues range from $130 – $660 annually depending on your budget size and nonprofit status. The easiest way to check your next renewal date and amount is in the member portal, under “My Billing Info”.
Starting July 1, 2025, your dues amount will return to normal.
5. Can I still join as a new company member throughout the year?
Yes! New company members will still be able to join TBA throughout the year. New memberships will be prorated based on the month and your renewal date will automatically be July 1.
6. Are membership dues amounts changing?
Not at this time. TBA has kept Company Membership dues consistent with what they were before the pandemic. In the next few years, we will look at our pricing to account for inflation, but we will not make that change until after the renewal schedule change has fully gone into effect.
7. Can I set up automatic payment for my company?
Yes! You can save a payment method in the TBA Member Portal “My Billing Info” tab under “Autopay & Billing. just be sure to enable that payment method for Automatic Payments
8. Ah! I can’t log in to my account!
Reach out to TBA Membership staff at for help! You can also check our Member Portal FAQ.
9. I don’t know if our membership is still active …
Reach out to TBA Membership staff at and we can check your current membership status and help you get set up with access to manage it in the Member Portal.
10. I don’t see any information about my company in my TBA account
This might mean your account is not linked to your company membership. Reach out to TBA Membership staff at and we will set you up with the correct member portal access.